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Identity Is the Homeostasis of the Mind Part I

Embark on a transformative journey with Nicole Daedone in this profound Eros Sutra Study - Identity Is the Homeostasis of the Mind Part I. As the co-founder of OneTaste, creator of Orgasmic Meditation, and the author behind the Eros Sutras, Nicole returns to the public eye in this captivating virtual event. Explore the intricate ways our inner desires and the external world converse, shaping the erotic mind's dynamic flow.

Dive deep into Sutra number 25, where Nicole, illuminated by her rich background and personal evolution, shares insights on how identity functions as our mental equilibrium. Delve into the teachings that promise a life rich with joy, play, and an adventure that transcends the ordinary. With each word, Nicole invites us into a space where identity's boundaries are challenged, and the potential for an authentic, joyous existence is unveiled.

Are you ready to tap into an experience that promises to unlock the gates to a more connected life? Whether you're familiar with Orgasmic Meditation or new to the philosophy of the Eros Sutras, this virtual event offers a unique opportunity to engage with Nicole Daedone’s transformative work.

Seize this chance to rekindle your relationship with intimacy and self-discovery. Register now for the weekly Eros Sutra Study and join a community passionate about exploring the Erotic through a new lens:

Don't forget to enrich your understanding by purchasing Nicole Daedone's National Bestselling book, "The Eros Sutras," available here:

This is more than just a study; it's an invitation to experience life's full spectrum through the Erotic. Join us, unlock your potential, and let love be your guiding language.


Introduction to Eros Sutras Study
Eros Sutras: Sutra 25 Exploration
Personal Insights on the Sutra
Embracing Joy as a Fundamental Right
The Four Promises of Eros
The Naked Mind
Interpreting Life's Desires Through Eros
Cultivating Joy in Everyday Life
Impact Moments: Transformational Experiences
Embracing the Power of Direct Experience
Metaphor of Decorating the Doghouse
Exploring Agency and Personal Volition
Suffering as a Gateway to Miracles
Strategies for Escaping the Metaphorical Doghouse
Week's Reflections on Eros and Connection
Closing Remarks and Next Week's Session

About the Instructors

Profile image for Nicole Daedone
Nicole Daedone
I specialize in following it where not many dare to tread. I want to know life biblically, the way a man knows a woman (or other configurations of such). I want to know the water by getting wet. Theory, commandments, concepts leave me empty, and not the good kind of emptiness. My driving question is, “Is that true?” Is it wholly true? Where and how is it true? For whom is it true and why? Can it withstand the test of time? Is it true for me as a woman? The last one has taken me off many a beaten path. Givens are often no longer givens when I ask this question. The world turns upside down. My two guiding principles are first, the idea that “I’ve come only for this.” Whatever is presented before me is mine to puzzle, to play, to explore and, finally, to love. Love leads me to my second guiding principle, how I explore, which is to ask, “Can I love this? Can I love even this?” Who is the “I” who is loving in this moment? What does love look like here? Does it require a peaceful approach, approval, power, some good, old-fashioned wrath? And then, what is “this?” I must leave who I believe myself to be to answer this question—to know and love what this is on its terms and not on mine. As a free woman I want all things to be free, liberated from any ideas I would impose on them. My work remains what it once and always was: to turn poison into medicine and make it available to those who want it.
Profile image for Aubrey Fuller
Aubrey Fuller
Our Eros Sutra librarian, Aubrey Fuller is a deep researcher of the feminine and brings her knowledge of feminine wisdom to the classes she teaches. As Program Holder for Art School, senior instructor for the OM Center, teacher on the platform, and Eros Sutra maven, she reminds people of the rightness and beauty of the feminine path and inspires us to enjoy the ride it offers us with love and permission. Aubrey has been walking the Erotic path and practicing Orgasmic Meditation for 15 years, and teaching for 14.